When you attempt to install a new version of Casper Secure 6, you receive an error similar to the following:
The older version of Casper Secure 6 cannot be removed. Contact your technical support group.
The Casper installation log (%TEMP%\casper_setup.log) shows the following messages:
The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.
Error 1714. The older version of Casper Secure 6 cannot be removed. Contact your technical support group. System Error 1612.
This error is reported when the former Windows installer database (.msi) file for the older version of Casper cannot be located within the Windows Installer Cache at %WINDIR%\Installer.
Microsoft has developed a troubleshooter to assist with detecting and fixing Windows Installer problems that prevent programs from being installed or removed. You can use this troubleshooter to repair the damaged installation settings so that the new version of Casper can be installed.
Follow this procedure:
After you have completed the troubleshooter, re-run the new Casper Secure 6 setup.
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